GATE Exam 2021-22: Full Syllabus Thermodynamics, Solid Mechanics, Materials Science, FLUID MECHANICS PDF and Notification

 XE - Thermodynamics Syllabus

Section 1: Basic Concepts 

Continuum and macroscopic approach; thermodynamic systems (closed and open); thermodynamic properties and equilibrium; state of a system, state postulate for simple compressible substances, state diagrams, paths and processes on state diagrams; concepts of heat and work, different modes of work; zeroth law of thermodynamics; concept of temperature. 

Section 2: First Law of Thermodynamics 

Concept of energy and various forms of energy; internal energy, enthalpy; specific heats; first law applied to elementary processes, closed systems and control volumes, steady and unsteady flow analysis. 

Section 3: Second Law of Thermodynamics 

Limitations of the first law of thermodynamics, concepts of heat engines and heat pumps/refrigerators, Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements and their equivalence; reversible and irreversible processes; Carnot cycle and Carnot principles/theorems; thermodynamic temperature scale; Clausius inequality and concept of entropy; microscopic interpretation of entropy, the principle of increase of entropy, T-s diagrams; second law analysis of control volume; availability and irreversibility; third law of thermodynamics. 

Section 4: Properties of Pure Substances 

Thermodynamic properties of pure substances in solid, liquid and vapor phases; P-v-T behaviour of simple compressible substances, phase rule, thermodynamic property tables and charts, ideal and real gases, ideal gas equation of state and van der Waals equation of state; law of corresponding states, compressibility factor and generalized compressibility chart. 

Section 5: Thermodynamic Relations 

T-ds relations, Helmholtz and Gibbs functions, Gibbs relations, Maxwell relations, Joule-Thomson coefficient, coefficient of volume expansion, adiabatic and isothermal compressibilities, Clapeyron and Clapeyron-Clausius equations

Section 6: Thermodynamic Cycles 

Carnot vapor cycle, ideal Rankine cycle, Rankine reheat cycle, air-standard Otto cycle, air-standard Diesel cycle, air-standard Brayton cycle, vapor-compression refrigeration cycle. 

Section 7: Ideal Gas Mixtures 

Dalton’s and Amagat’s laws, properties of ideal gas mixtures, air-water vapor mixtures and simple thermodynamic processes involving them; specific and relative humidities, dew point and wet bulb temperature, adiabatic saturation temperature, psychrometric chart. 

GATE Thermodynamics BOOKS

XE - Solid Mechanics  Syllabus

Section 1: Mechanics of rigid bodies 

Equivalent force systems; free-body diagrams; equilibrium equations; analysis of determinate trusses and frames; friction; principle of minimum potential energy; particle kinematics and dynamics; dynamics of rigid bodies under planar motion; law of conservation of energy; law of conservation of momentum. 

 Section 2: Mechanics of deformable bodies 

Stresses and strains; transformation of stresses and strains, principal stresses and strains; Mohr’s circle for plane stress and plane strain; generalized Hooke’s Law; elastic constants; thermal stresses; theories of failure. Axial force, shear force and bending moment diagrams; axial, shear and bending stresses; combined stresses; deflection (for symmetric bending); torsion in circular shafts; thin walled pressure vessels; energy methods (Castigliano’s Theorems); Euler buckling. 

Section 3: Vibrations 

Free vibration of undamped single degree of freedom systems.  

GATE Solid Mechanics BOOKS


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XE -  Materials Science Syllabus 

1: Classification and Structure of Materials 

Classification of materials: metals, ceramics, polymers and composites. Nature of bonding in materials: metallic, ionic, covalent and mixed bonding; structure of materials: fundamentals of crystallography, symmetry operations, crystal systems, Bravais lattices, unit cells, primitive cells, crystallographic planes and directions; structures of metals, ceramics, polymers, amorphous materials and glasses. 

Defects in crystalline materials: 0-D, 1-D and 2-D defects; vacancies, interstitials, solid solutions in metals and ceramics, Frenkel and Schottky defects; dislocations; grain boundaries, twins, stacking faults; surfaces and interfaces. 

2: Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Phase Transformations 

Extensive and intensive thermodynamic properties, laws of thermodynamics, phase equilibria, phase rule, phase diagrams (unary and binary), basic electrochemistry. Reaction kinetics, fundamentals of diffusion, Fick’s laws, their solutions and applications. Solidification of pure metals and alloys, nucleation and growth, diffusional solid-state phase transformations (precipitation and eutectoid), martensitic transformation.


3: Properties and Applications of Materials 

Mechanical properties of metals, ceramics, polymers and composites at room temperature; stressstrain response (elastic, anelastic and plastic deformation). 

Electronic properties: free electron theory, Fermi energy, density of states, elements of band theory, semiconductors, Hall effect, dielectric behaviour, piezo- and ferro-electric behaviour. 

Magnetic properties: Origin of magnetism in materials, para-, dia-, ferro- and ferri-magnetism. Thermal properties: Specific heat, heat conduction, thermal diffusivity, thermal expansion, and thermoelectricity. 

Optical properties: Refractive index, absorption and transmission of electromagnetic radiation. Examples of materials exhibiting the above properties, and their typical/common applications.

4: Characterization and Measurements of Properties 

X-ray diffraction; spectroscopic techniques such as UV-Vis, IR and Raman; optical microscopy, electron microscopy, composition analysis in electron microscopes. Tensile test, hardness measurement. Electrical conductivity, carrier mobility and concentrations. Thermal analysis techniques: thermogravimetry and calorimetry. 

 5: Processing of Materials 

Heat treatment of ferrous and aluminium alloys; preparation of ceramic powders, sintering; thin film deposition: evaporation and sputtering techniques, and chemical vapour deposition, thin film growth phenomena. 

 6: Degradation of Materials 

Corrosion and its prevention; embrittlement of metals; polymer degradation. 

GATE Materials Science BOOKS


SECTION 1: Flow and Fluid Properties 

Fluid Properties: Density, viscosity, surface tension, relationship between stress and strain-rate for Newtonian fluids. 

Classification of Flows: Viscous versus inviscid flows, incompressible versus compressible flows, internal versus external flows, steady versus unsteady flows, laminar versus turbulent flows, 1-D, 2-D and 3-D flows, Newtonian versus non-Newtonian fluid flow. 

Hydrostatics: Buoyancy, manometry, forces on submerged bodies and its stability.

SECTION 2: Kinematics of Fluid Motion 

Eulerian and Lagrangian descriptions of fluid motion. Concept of local, convective and material derivatives. Streamline, streakline, pathline and timeline. 

SECTION 3: Integral Analysis for a Control Volume 

Reynolds Transport Theorem (RTT) for conservation of mass, linear and angular momentum

SECTION 4: Differential Analysis 

Differential equations of mass and momentum for incompressible flows. Inviscid flows - Euler equations and viscous flows - Navier-Stokes equations. Concept of fluid rotation, vorticity, stream function and circulation. Exact solutions of Navier-Stokes equations for Couette flow and Poiseuille flow, thin film flow. 

SECTION 5: Dimensional Analysis 

Concept of geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarity. Buckingham Pi theorem and its applications. Non-dimensional parameters and their physical significance - Reynolds number, Froude number and Mach number. 

 SECTION 6: Internal Flows 

Fully developed pipe flow. Empirical relations for laminar and turbulent flows: friction factor, Darcy-Weisbach relation and Moody’s chart. Major and minor losses. 

 SECTION 7: Bernoulli’s Equation and its Applications, Potential Flows 

Bernoulli’s equation: Assumptions and applications. Flow measurements - Venturi meter, Pitot-static tube and orifice meter. Elementary potential flows: Velocity potential function. Uniform flow, source, sink and vortex, and their superposition for flow past simple geometries. 

SECTION 8: External Flows 

Prandtl boundary layer equations: Concept and assumptions. Boundary layer characteristics: Boundary layer thickness, displacement thickness and momentum thickness. Qualitative idea of boundary layer separation, streamlined and bluff bodies, and drag and lift forces.



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