Friends, Earth IS A Planet Where Humans Live and This Earth Also Keeps Rotating in This Sky And We Call This Sky Galaxy Which Is Also Called Wrong in Other Language, Today We are Talking About Many Mysterious Things Related to Galaxy. We will know what is the differentome between galaxy and satellite galaxy and all su sheets that we do not know, so let us know in this blog What is galaxy and satellite galaxy.
What is a galaxy and satellite galaxy?
Satellite Galaxy
Our sun is part of the huge collection of stars in the galaxy and many hundreds of billion stars revolve the center of the galaxy. But very few people in the world know that some things that revolve the center of the galaxy are even bigger? It is very difficult to tell how much galaxies are so difficult because even today Sciense did not give information about it but other galaxies also revolve it, which is more than the Galaxy. It has a meaning here and also that galaxies are not a limited size.
These low huge galaxies have their own impressive collection of stars, which all revoles their own center; But Galaxies and everything present in them also revolves our galaxy. It is such that our galaxy is the sun and they are the planets of other galaxies. Astronomers call them "satellite galaxy".
Where are they and what they like?
Many satellites in the galaxy include galaxies, but the largest huge magnilient is cloud. It is about 163,000 light years and is about 1 / 100th part of the galaxy size. Unlike our spiral galaxy, there is a lack of a clean spiral (snake size) size. Some scientists think that this is because the galaxy and other galaxies are pulling it and are distorted.
In the case of distance, the nearest satellites are two contenders of the Galaxy. A group of stars is so small that astronomer considered it "dwarf galaxy" (which is very small). The second group is so close that they still argue that it is a part of our galaxy or its own dwarf galaxy. Because even today it has made headache for the science.
Astronomers have named it that everyone agrees on the dwarf spherical galaxy. It is far from the Galaxy Center, about 50,000 light (no longer will not be able to know how many years). It revolves above and down the discs of our galaxy, such as a spinning top ring.
But there is also some of our Milky Way - a group of stars whose name has kept some people Kanice Major Dwarf Galaxy. Scientists estimate that there are almost one billion stars. It is so close to the edge of the galaxy that it is close to our solar system compared to the center of our galaxy. It is about 25,000 light years away from us.
How does Galaxy become and how to finish?
Some scientists do not think that the group of Canys Major stars is actually its own galaxy or dwarf galaxy. Instead they think that it is just a dense area of distant stars which are still part of the galaxy. Either way, it is clear that this group of stars has been pulled very close to our galaxy by the vast gravity of our galaxy. Over time, it can be the fate of other satellite galaxies. They can merge all one day even more in the big galaxy.
What is Galaxy?
A galaxy is a huge collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars and their solar chambers, which are kept together by all gravity.
We live on the planet called Earth which is part of our solar system. This means that our earth is flying in the air and it is in the solar system. But where is our solar system? It is in the galaxy and it is a small part of the galaxy.
A galaxy is a huge collection of gas, dust and stars and their billions solar chambers. A galaxy is kept together by gravity. There is also a supermacious black hole in the middle of our galaxy, Milky. If we take information in detail about the black hole then we know how to black hole for the dangerous earth.
When you look at the stars in the night sky, you are looking at other stars in the galaxy. If it is really dark, it is far from the lights from cities and homes, you can also see Milky Way's dust band in the sky.
Although there are many galaxies and many galaxies. There is no number of them, they are so many, we can not even count them all! The Hubble Space Telescope saw a small portion of space for 12 days and found 10,000 galaxies of all sizes, sizes and colors. Some scientists think that there can be one hundred billion galaxies in the universe and it can also be more than that.
Galaxies are not the same size.
Some galaxies are spiral shaped like ours. They have curved sides that make it look like a pinwheel. Other galaxies are smooth and oval shaped. They are called elliptical galaxies. And there are galaxies that are not spiral or elliptical. They have irregular shapes and look like drops. The light we see from each of these galaxies comes from the stars inside it. (According to science, stars are not the same size)
It also happens that sometimes galaxies come very close and collide with each other. Our Milky Way galaxy will someday collide with Andromeda, our nearest galactic neighbor. but do not worry. This would not happen for about five billion years. But even if it happened yesterday, you might not notice. Galaxies are so large and spread out at the ends that even though galaxies collide with each other, planets and solar systems often don't come close to colliding.
What did We Go Today
Today we learned what is the difference between Galaxy and Satellite Galaxy and how it affects our lives. If you liked J Block, then you must share it
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