Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti In India 2 october 2020 Spacial / Thoughts / Information

   Full Name - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Birth - 2 October 1869

Place of Birth - Porbandar (Gujarat)

Wife's Name - Kasturba Bai

Study - Lawyer (from London)

Father's Name - Karamchand Gandhi

Mother's Name - Putlibai

Status - of the Father of the Nation of India

Death - 30 January 1948

Mahatma Gandhi Thoughts in English (inspirational)

  • Be yourself the change you want to see in the world - Mahatma Gandhi

  • The future depends on what you say or do today - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Some people dream of success and some people work hard for success - Mahatma Gandhi

  • The difference between what we do and what we can do will be enough to solve most problems - Mahatma Gandhi

  • My mind is my temple. I will not let anyone pass through my mind temple with dirty feet - Mahatma Gandhi


      Nelson Mandela of Inspirational Life 

      > Swami Vivekananda biography

       > Desh Bakti Slogan In Hindi And English

      > Inspirational Thoughts by Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar

  • Only speak when she is better than Mon - Mahatma Gandhi

  • The time you save saves money, and the money saved is equal to the money earned - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Small mistakes in life teach us big lessons - Mahatma Gandhi

  • God has no religion - Mahatma Gandhi

  • No one can hurt you without your permission - Mahatma Gandhi

  • First he will not pay attention to you, then he will laugh at you, then he will fight with you and then you will win - Mahatma Gandhi

  • True personality alone can reach the truth - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Showing eye to eye is like making the whole world blind - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Live as if you are going to die tomorrow, you will have the way to live - Mahatma Gandhi

  • If you must learn then you can learn from your mistakes and there is no better teacher than them - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Learn full and learn in such a way that you always stay here - Mahatma Gandhi

  • The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others - Mahatma Gandhi

  • A person is nothing but his thoughts, he will think like he becomes money - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Non-violence is the greatest strength for humanity. Poison is more powerful than dangerous weapons created by humans - Mahatma Gandhi

  • When we get immersed in daily problems then we do not see the goodness inside us - Mahatma Gandhi

  • It is a sin to make a mistake; it is a greater sin to keep it hidden - Mahatma Gandhi

  • We do not want to see our friends, we enjoy seeing the faults of others, unfortunately man is falling down - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Gulab is not required to preach, it only smells and so should every human being - Mahatma Gandhi

  • There are people in the world who see God in bread because hunger is their biggest problem - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Faith should always be spoken from the side because when faith becomes blind it dies - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Truth is my God and non-violence is the way to feel it - Mahatma Gandhi

  • It is useless to keep reciting Ramayana if you do not behave like Ram - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Those who know to think for themselves do not need a teacher - Mahatma Gandhi

  • This earth can fulfill the needs of everyone but cannot fulfill everyone's greed - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Nothing can be achieved without following faith - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Never listen to your evil, never listen to your praise- Mahatma Gandhi

  • I only see the good qualities of people and not their bad qualities - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Every night when I go to sleep I die and every morning when I wake up I am revived - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Her biggest jewelery for a woman is her character and her purity - Mahatma Gandhi

  • If you do not do anything, you will have no result - Mahatma Gandhi

  • A little practice is better than a lot of preaching - Mahatma Gandhi

(Patriotic views of Mahatma Gandhi)

  • I am ready to die but there is no reason for which I should be ready to die - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Khadi is my pride, Karma is my worship, Truth is my karma

  •  My soil is my life - Mahatma Gandhi

  • There is no meaning of freedom when there is no freedom to make mistakes in it - Mahatma Gandhi

  • If dowry is to be abolished, boys, girls and parents will have to end casteism - Mahatma Gandhi

            • Your beliefs become your thoughts,

        Your thoughts become your words,

      Your words become your actions,

 Your work becomes your habit,

     Your habits become your values,

              And your values ​​become your destiny.

  • Your Armaan will be fulfilled O three-colored, all the people will come under your flag - Mahatma Gandhi

Poem (patriotism) dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi

The street was a company of fear, the village was in the city,

Even before the breath of the British rule,

For 200 years, we had to commit slavery to the British,

But when you have grown alok, white breeds are Kanpi,

 Even without fighting arms, the devil is still defeated,

O Babu, I salute you, O Babu!

( Mahatma Gandhi's idea of ​​Cleanliness )

I am Gandhi but not hungry for power, I am loyal to the country and I do not approve of the freedom, even if you say what I want to say, I have shown it by not saying, the free land you have got today, many people have redeemed it, many It is easy to find fault, to blame for the problems, I threw the British out, you throw garbage and show it, we gave free India, you give it a clean India, even if you do not call it Gandhi Jayanti, clean India. Cover it - Mahatma Gandhi

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