Raksha Bandhan What is / Why celebrate Raksha bandhan / How to celebrate Raksha bandhan / What to do in Rakshabandhan.

What is Raksha Bandhan / Why celebrate 

 / How to celebrate  / What to do in 

 Happy Raksha bandhan to all my siblings. In India, this festival will be celebrated on Monday 3 August 2020. This festival is the only festival in India whose siblings eagerly await. We will consider some interesting facts of Raksha Bandhan, why Raksha Bandhan is celebrated and what it started and how the whole world got it. Adopts with

India is considered a country of festivals. India is identified with the culture of India and the culture of India plays a major role in the cultures of the world. India is famous in the world due to its culture because the country of India and the people living in this country have a lot of faith in any work like festivals etc. and God.

Rakshabandhan is also one of those festivals which is celebrated with great pomp in India. This time this festival will be celebrated on August 3 in 2020. In today's time, this festival is celebrated by considering Raksha bandhan as the bond of brotherly love but Raksha bandhan does not mean brotherhood but any woman can vow to protect herself from a man and hence celebrated the festival of Raksha bandhan goes.

 Raksha bandhan  of  Meaning 

If you understand this in easy language, Raksha and Bandhan are two words. That is what we call bondage here. The festival of Raksha bandhan is not just a festival of siblings but it is for all brothers. In this, any woman can ask for a promise to protect her, even if she is her brother, husband. Therefore it is called Rakshabandhan.

Flowing in it, you pray to God for the good health of your brother and for a long life, wish all the sorrows in his life to be removed, in this way he wishes for a happy life. .

How long did Raksha bandhan practice

According to Indian history, there was a king named Bali in India. He made a boon inside the yajna due to which he could win anyone and due to this, he tried to exercise his authority over the whole heaven. Devaraja Indra was very much afraid as King Bali was powerful, and he prayed to Lord Vishnu to solve this problem. Lord Vishnu, taking the form of a Brahmin, came to King Bali to ask for alms, Guru Shukracharya refused because he knew that it is Bishnu.

In spite of Guru Shukracharya's refusal, King Bali agreed to give alms to the Brahmin. The Brahmin demanded three steps of land from King Bali in alms, which he asked for earth, Akash and Hades. After this, King Bali was sent to live in the abyss. Later Vishnu revealed his true form and slaughtered King Bali to be always in front of him.

 Mother Lakshmi became very worried by this. He tied a defense thread to King Bali at the behest of Narada ji and took Vishnu with him, praying that he would not try to assert his authority over heaven. This incident started the practice of Rakshabandhan and today Rakshabandhan festival is celebrated all over India.

What is Rakhi?

Rakhi is a sacred thread. In Indian culture, this thread is considered stronger than iron, which is strengthened by the love and faith of siblings.This thread binds them together, in the bond of love.

According to the culture, a plate is prepared which consists of roli, rice, rakhi, sweets and a lamp. The sister first worships the deities and then ties a rakhi on the brother's hand and prays to God for his long life.

How Rakshabandhan is made

When the Raksha bandhan comes, now the sisters are in awe on their faces because this festival is very special for them, this is the sweetest opportunity to meet their brothers and get their love.

Talking about sharing more love, Bahi asks for different gifts from her brother on this day and this is a day for them on which every demand is fulfilled.

 What to do at home on this day

This much can be worshiped in your home. You can worship your favorite deity and take blessings of the elders. Worship increases the sweetness in the love of brother and sister. The bad houses are away. Whatever is made in the house, first of all offer Bhoga to God, and offer it to your favorite deity. On the occasion of the festival, share your happiness with grief on other days.

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