Today you will know what is the URL and how it works. How to make URLs and shows any video to photos and such products that are being searched only in front of all this fact we are going to go to this block.
URL Full Form is "UNIFORM Resource Locator"
Meaning of URL
It means long-time search content i.e. "Unlimited Research on Long Time". URL helps us find any product.
What is URL Address
URL helps in finding any object as a good friend. When a word is written on any search engine then the word changes in the form of a coding.
When we search for any item on any search engine, then the coding keeps some results in front of us whether you are looking for or other such results which are looking for us.
This whole game is of HTML (CODING LANGUAGE). When any word is discovered on the Internet then coding it turns into a URL.
Another special thing that we need to pay attention is if you write any words on the Internet, do not think that the word is deleted, but that person is over at all, it does not happen at all the words. Let's go.
What is URL History
The history of the URL begins only when coding language was started. When 17
In the century, the common computer was built only when the coding language was also born. It is said that Z. Dayir thought that there should be no such way that I can do many work all the world sitting in the same place. But one of his friends who were their best friends and their work in their work P. Ourl had created coding language for them.
But when we look at this history, the mention of both of them does not come anywhere. This is also because more information about them is not only among the people, so it will not be wrong to say that they have created a coding language when it is not true in today's time.
Short Links - How to Make URL
If you do not know how many websites do not go to any website like Facebook Whatspects instagram and do not know all such platforms, if you want to make the URL, you can create this way.
Firstly, if you type a website Address in any search engine.
When the website will open in front of you, the address of that website comes up at the top of you click once.
Website address turns into Blue Color, it means now you can copy it.
There are so many such websites that can help you shorten your big URL address, this is a website "bitly" and you can shorten your URL in free.
Q: - What is FULL FORM OF WWW?
A: - World Wide Web
A: - HTML Full Name is "Hypertext Markup Language".
A: - PDF Full Name is "Portable Document Format".
A: - 1. http: - "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol"
2. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
A: - File Transfer Protocol
Q: - What is STMP FULL FORM and NAME?
A: - STMP: - "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol"
Q:- URI Full Form And Name?
A:- URI "UNIFORM Resource Identifier"
Q:- URN Full Form And Name?
A:- URN "UNIFORM Resource Name"
Friends today we go about the URL in this blog. I hope you have got to learn a lot from this post. I do this that you will definitely share this post with other people.
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