Blogger Vs WordPress for Beginners Who is the best Tool

Friends, we have heard that blogging is a good career path, but how to do blogging, because there are two platforms for blogging, one is blogger and the other is WordPress. Who is the best of these two and which is not. Who scores the most runs. Who gets the most traffic, how to get AdSense approval on them, how affiliate marketing is done through blogging. I am going to share all these small points and some important things with you today. Let us know which is the best platform for blogging to block WordPress.

According to my experience, I have talked about all those points which are for best blogging, so let's understand them carefully and know in which good blogging can be done.

Blogger Vs WordPress for Beginners

Friends, note that the points which I have discussed in this writing, you should read those points thoroughly so that whenever you enter this field, you have a proper knowledge and you are successful, so I request you that you The brothers who are going to read further. Read them very carefully and if you do not understand at once, then read it two-three times so that you can understand it better.

Which is the best blogger vs wordpress


If you are new to the field of blogging, then you should first start with blogging blog, because it is the easiest to learn, it has very easy features to learn from which we can easily learn blogging. This is a completely free tool from Google, we do not have to make any kind of investment in it because the domain name is available absolutely free in it. Yes, but even if we want to take our own domain name, we can take it, when you take your own domain name, then it becomes your property in a way and you become its full owner and if you do not take the domain, you guys give us Provides a free domain name from your side, which is known as, it is absolutely free, if we want, we can blogging in Bloxport without investment and it is absolutely free.


WordPress is not free, we do not get anything free in it. We have to buy its domain, hosting, hosting and template. Secondly, if we do not know the vlogin skills at all, then blogging in world press is a bit difficult because it has advanced features. Understanding which is very important to Blogging, so if you are completely new, then it would be better for you to learn blogging from blogger, yes if you already know then you can blogging in Drift WordPress. This is a bit tough because WordPress runs Advanced.

 Investment Blogger

There is no investment of any kind inside the block, we are given everything free of cost from the block side. The main thing in this is your domain name, the domain name also blocks us from our side like but if we want, we can buy our own domain name. We have to pay a little to Google for this, but even if we do not want to buy, our block can run. There will not be any problem in this but I want to tell you one thing and that is that the domain name which is given to us by the block is given in your name . But if you buy a domain on your own name ( ) then it provides you a unique name so that your website looks like a unique website, so if you want to take your own domain name, then you can take it. Google provides you full high security in this block you can never be hacked by anyone.


Talking about WordPress, we have to invest 3 to ₹ 4000 inside it. We have to take our own hosting, buy our own domain name and buy our own template but this investment is your one time. Good for about three-four years depends on which company your domain name belongs to and for how many years it is active but WordPress is a good platform for blogging because on WordPress Becomes the complete owner of your website.

Blog setup


Inside the blog, we get the complete setup of the blog from Google, we only have to write and publish the article in it. Apart from this, we do not have to do much in this because it all depends on the coding, so blogging is the best platform for those who are new bloggers to do blogging, because they have done their talent right here. Demonstrate and learn a lot of new skills.


 We do not get any kind of setup inside WordPress, you have to do all the set up on your own and coding is necessary for that. That's why I would say that if you are a new blogger and you are just starting out, then you should use Block only. Don't come over it on the board right now, when you learn basic skills from Block, then only you should use WordPress. 

Other wise for you. There will be a lot of trouble while blogging because the domain name has to be taken in it, the template has to be set. You have to give a new design to your website, for that our article looks good, small things have to be taken care of. So the new blogger may have some trouble in WordPress but if you know the basic then you will be able to perform very well in it.

Blog Costomistation


We get all the customization done inside the blog. In this, we do not have to set any kind of template, we get it RD, inside it we do not have to change any kind of coding, only some basic coding should come, only then we can do our blog very well. But still blogging inside the block is a bit difficult and that is because blogging is not an easy step. Easy step means you cannot publish any wrong article on top of your block because the owner of the block is Google and all the ownership remains with Google until you buy your own domain name and if you accidentally get any If you publish the wrong article on the blog, then Google deletes your block without giving you any warning and after that you have worked hard in it. All of that is wasted, so keep in mind that if you are blogging above the block, then do not take any such step that you will regret your mistake later.


Within WordPress, we have to do the setting of the template ourselves so that our website looks like a unit website, but in this we do not need to learn coding because WordPress provides us such a facility that we do not have to use coding anywhere. But we develop them according to our need, otherwise we do not need coding inside WordPress and blogging on WordPress is also very easy, blogging can be done easily in it.

Blogging Extra features


We have to live in the setting which is done by the block inside the block, in this we do not get any extra features of any kind, so many times we are not able to give a unique look to our website according to our mind.


WordPress is exactly its opposite, in this we get a lot of extra features and WordPress is also very advanced for blogging and blogging in it is quite easy. In this, where we can give our article a look to our website according to our need. You can design its looking according to the need and this is a plus point of WordPress.

Google Adsense Approval


Friends, if we do blogging and there is no talk of earning Money in it, then it will be very strange and fun to please. We get the approval of Adsense on both the platforms but there is a condition that we get the approval power of action inside the block but according to the Google Adsense policy, our block should not contain any kind of copyright material or any such publicity. , so that there is violation within the public and if your block is according to Google Adsense policy, then soon you also get the approval of Adsense on your blog. Now when you are reading this post, this post has also been published on Blockspot and has got AdSense approval inside it because it is said that Adsense profile is not found above the block, it is a kind of lie. could. Tomorrow, its domain number should be changed by changing it, but at the moment you are seeing this post only on Blockspot.


WordPress Owners of WordPress Even though we are completely ourselves, but we still have to take care of many things in this. To get the approval of Google Adsense, the first thing is that without the domain name, we do not get the approval of Adsense, secondly we have to take care of its complete security, if it will have a website according to the Google policy, then only you will get the Adsense approval. You will get approval otherwise you may have to face a lot of problems in this.

 Artical  Rank


There is no doubt in this that if you do a good blogging and then whatever you do above any pet form. Jam inside the block Within WordPress, only your articles should be unique, people should understand and reach as many people as possible and your articles should not be stolen by someone else, your website will be completely colored, there is no doubt about it. No, so keeping these things in mind, you should do loading, the better the content is yours, the more popular your website will be, so by blogging you are cool.

According to google policy

Bloggers do blogging only so that they can earn good income, but Google Adsense policy has its own rules, which if you follow only then your website monetization happens. That's why you try to write a good article, don't write copyright photos and articles, write the article in simple words so that people can understand and they come back through your website.

Friends, I had some knowledge for blog and WordPress which I shared with you, if you want to do good blogging and want to make your career within blogging, then keep these few things which I have told you, keep them in mind and their Do more and more work above so that you can make your future golden, I hope you have liked this post of mine and have understood that by not keeping this post only to yourself, you can share with your friends, relatives and those who are looking for their career in this field. Send it to them so that they remove the mistakes they are making by reading this and make a good block.

I wish you success in the field of blogging.

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