B.Sc. Computer Science Complete Syllabus Part II (Semester-IV) , Books and Syllabus


B.Sc. Computer Science  Syllabus Part II (Semester-IV) , Books and Syllabus

B.Sc. II Computer Science 



B.Sc. – II (Computer Science)


Paper-I: Data Structures


UNIT I: Introduction to Data Structures

Data Structure and Algorithms -Introduction, Data Structures, Fundamentals of DS, 

Operations on Data Structure

Arrays – Introduction, Memory/Storage Representation of One and Two Dimensional Array, 

Sorting- Definition of Sorting, Comparison of Sorting Method, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, 

Selection Sort, Merging.

Searching- Definition, Type of Searching (Binary Search, Linear Search.)

UNIT II: Stacks and Queue

Stacks- Introduction & Definition, Application of Stack, Various Representation of Stack, 

Operation on stack (Push and Pop) Hierarchy of Operation, Representation of Arithmetic 

Expression (Infix, Postfix, Prefix) Multiple Stack. Evaluation of postfix expressions and their 


Queues- Introduction, Applications of Queue, Various Representations of Queue, Operation on 

queue.Concept of Deque, Priority Queues, Circular Queue.

UNIT III: Recursion and Link List

Recursion- Introduction, Recursion Properties, Applications of Recursion (Factorial, Addition of Two 

Number, Power of A Number, Fibonacci Series, Multiplication of Two Number, Tower of Hanoi.) 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Recursion.

Linked List- Introduction, Application of Linked List, and Representation of Linked List, 

Operation on Linked List (Inserting, Removing, Reversing, Searching, Sorting). Concept of Double 

Linked List.

UNIT IV: Tree and Graphs

Trees- Introduction, Definition of Trees, Binary Tree, Type of Binary Tree, Operation on Binary Tree, 

Traversal of Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree (BST), Expression Trees, Memory Representation 

of Binary Tree

Graphs: - Definition of Graph, Various Terminology Used in Graph, Sequential Representation of 

Graph, Path Matrix, Spanning Tree, and Minimum Spanning Tree (Kruskal Algorithm, PRIM’S 

Algorithm), Traversing a Graph.

B.Sc. Computer Science Books:

1) Data Structure

2) Classical Data Structure

B.Sc. – II (Computer Science)


Paper II:Event Driven Programming with Visual Basic


UNIT-I: Introduction to Visual Basic

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) – Features, Event driven programming, 

Programming Constructs: Data Types, Variable, Constant, Operator, System defined Function, 

Dialog Box and Creating User Interface

Control flow statement: if-then, select-case, for-next, while wend, do-loop statement. 

With..End, Type of Event.

UNIT-II: VB Control and Procedure

Visual Basic Control:-  Form, Label, Textbox, Frame, Checkbox, Option Button, ListBox, 

ComboBox, Timer, Scrollbar, Picture, Image, File Controls, Artwork control

ActiveX Control: Tab Strip, Status Bar, Slider, Month View, DTPicker, Rich Text Box, 

Common Dialog

Procedure: Types of Procedure, Subroutine, Function, Module

UNIT-III: Menu, Interface and Array

Menu:- Menu Editor, Creating Menus, Utility features provided by menu editor, modifying menu at 

run time, pop-up menu, Creating Toolbar using Image List

Interface:- SDI, MDI,

Array:- One Dimensional Array, Built-in Array function, For..Each Loop, Arrays Types

UNIT-IV: ActiveX Data Object

Data & ADODC Control, Connecting ADODC to Bound Control, Use of ADO Object, ADO 

Architecture, ADO Object Methods for Editing, Updating and Searching

Data Environment, Data Report,

Debugging and Error Handling: Types of Error, Debugging, Handling Run Time Error.

B.Sc. Computer Science Books

1) Visual Basic 6.0 Complete

2) Front End Development using Visual Basic

3) Mastering Visual Basic 6 

4) Complete Reference Visual Basic 6

B.Sc. – II (Computer Science)


Practical -I: Data Structures

1) To delete an element from Kthposition of Array.

2) To insert an element ITEM at Kth position of Array.

3) To insert an element Item in Sorted Array.

4) To implement the operation of Push, Pop and to know the status of stack.

5) An algorithm to check the status of stack.

6) To find factorial of a number using Recursion.

7) To find multiplication of two number using Recursion.

8) To simulation the game of Tower of Hanoi using recursion.

9) To implement the operation of insertion and deletion on Queue.

10) A menu driven program to implement the operation of addition, deletion, searching, 

traversing, reversion, sorting, counting number of nodes and at the end erasing the link 


11) Implementation of stack using linked list.

12) Implementation of Queue using linked list.

13) To create binary search tree, traverse it and find number of leaves and total nodes in the 


14) To arrange the list of number in a Sorted order using Merge Sort.

15) To arrange the list of number in the Sorted order using Quick sort.

16) To check all the element of list is in sorted order or not.

17) To search an element using sequential or linear search .At the end display time required to 

search an element including number of comparison.

18) To search an item position in sorted list (Binary search).

B.Sc. – II (Computer Science)


Paper II: Event Driven Programming with Visual Basic

1) Design a form to accept First, Middle and Last Name and display the full name 

(Concatenate three text box) on Label when user click on Command Button.

2) Design an application that gives five choices of colors. Design an application to choose 

any one color using option button and change the Fore Color of Textbox.

3) Write an application to add and remove the name of city from combo box.

4) Design a VB screen, to display current time in digital format continuously after every one 

second and change the background color of form.

5) Build the application, which marquee the caption of Form.

6) Build the application, to convert the Fahrenheit temperature selected through scrollbar 

value into corresponding temperature is Celsius.

7) Build a application that collects marks for five different subjects. Calculate total, If total 

is >= 500 display message” You are allowed” otherwise display “You are not allowed.”

8) A book stall gives discount on the books as per the following conditions,

No. of Books Purchased Discount

<=5 Nil

>5 and <=10 10%

>10 and <=15 12%

> 15 20%

Create a form as follows to calculate the Discount.

9) Build the VB application that converts a number entered into the Textbox to Octal, 

Hexadecimal and Decimal.

10)Build the application; to accept the password within time limit say 8 second otherwise 

display a message time elapsed.

11)Build the application using timer for personal appointment remainder while working with 

computer system.

12)Evaluate following sin(x) series

Sin(x) = x – x"3/3! + x"5/5! – x"7/7! + x"9/9! - ............

13)Build the application, to change the color of Frame using RGB function from the values 

that are set by 3 Scroll bars.

14)Build a Calculator application to perform basic arithmetic operation.

15)Build the application, to accept the temperature of Number of days passed in the current 

month and determines the highest and average temperature.

16)Demonstrate the working of data bound controls.

17)Create a data bound control application to perform various data operation using DAO 

Control. Assume Database Name and Table Name is Donor having 4 fields 

Donor_Number, Donor_Name, Date_of_Birth, Donor_Blood and Sex.

18)Create a data bound control application to perform various data operation using ADO 

Control. Assume Database Name and Table Name is Donor having 4 fields 

Donor_Number, Donor_Name, Date_of_Birth, Donor_Blood and Sex.

19) Write an application to divide the number by another and it must be able to handle any error that may arise during run time.

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