What is Computer System ? Definition And Evolution of Computer, CPU and Devices complete detail


A Great Man Said

"A computer would be eligible

to be called intelligent if it

can deceive a person

Believe it was human. "

-Alan Turin

Friends, technology is such a lesson in our life, without which we cannot live in today's time, we have to update ourselves, in order to compete with others, it is very important for us to know the things related to technology in today's time, so I am today. I have brought a blog related to technology for you, friends, today we will know what is a computer system, how many types are there, how it works and why computer is very important for today's time and together we will know many such things. If you are completely unknown, then let's know the very important information related to the computer system.

 Keep one thing in mind that after reading a little article, you should not leave in the middle because by doing so you could not get complete information, so complete it.

What is Computer System ? And Evolution of Computer, CPU and Devices

Introduction to Computer System

A computer is an electronic device that can be programmed to accept data (input), process it and generate result (output). A computer along with additional hardware and software together is called a computer system. 

A computer system primarily comprises a central processing unit (CPU), memory, input/output devices and storage devices. All these components function together as a single unit to deliver the desired output. A computer system comes in various forms and sizes. It can vary from a high-end server to personal desktop,laptop, tablet computer, or a smartphone.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

It is the electronic circuitry of a computer that carries out the actual processing and usually referred as the brain of the computer. It is commonly called processor also. Physically, a CPU can be placed on one or more microchips called integrated circuits (IC). The ICs comprise semiconductor materials.

The CPU is given instructions and data through programs. The CPU then fetches the program and data from the memory and performs arithmetic and logic operations as per the given instructions and stores the result back to memory.

While processing, the CPU stores the data as well as instructions in its local memory called registers. Registers are part of the CPU chip and they are limited in size and number. Different registers are used for storing data, instructions or intermediate results. Other than the registers, the CPU has two main components — Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and Control Unit (CU). 

ALU performs all the arithmetic and logic operations that need to be done as per the instruction in a program. CU controls sequential instruction execution, interprets instructions and guides data flow through the computer’s memory, ALU and input or output devices. CPU is also popularly known as microprocessor.

Input Devices

The devices through which control signals are sent to a computer are termed as input devices. These devices convert the input data into a digital form that is acceptable by the computer system. Some examples of input devices include keyboard, mouse, scanner, touch screen, etc.

Specially designed braille keyboards are also available to help the visually impaired for entering data into a computer. Besides, we can now enter data through voice, for example, we can use Google voice search to search the web where we can input the search string through our voice.

Data entered through input device is temporarily stored in the main memory (also called RAM) of the computer system. For permanent storage and future use, the data as well as instructions are stored permanently in additional storage locations called secondary memory.

Output Devices

The device that receives data from a computer system for display, physical production, etc., is called output device. It converts digital information into human-understandable form. For example, monitor, projector, headphone, speaker, printer, etc..

Some output devices are shown in Figure 1.3. A braille display monitor is useful for a visually challenged person to understand the textual output generated by computers.

A printer is the most commonly used device to get output in physical (hardcopy) form. Three types of commonly used printers are inkjet, laserjet and dot matrix. 

Now-a-days, there is a new type of printer called 3D-printer, which is used to build physical replica of a digital 3D design. These printers are being used in manufacturing industries to create prototypes of products. Their usage is also being explored in the medical field, particularly for developing body organs.

Evolution of Computer

From the simple calculator to a modern day powerful data processor, computing devices have evolved in a relatively short span of time. The evolution of computing devices in shown through a timeline .

It consists of a Central Processing Unit (CPU) for processing arithmetic and logical instructions, a memory to store data and programs, input and output devices and communication channels to send or receive the output data. Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) is the first binary programmable computer based on Von Neumann architecture. 

During the 1970s, Large Scale Integration (LSI) of electronic circuits allowed integration of complete CPU on a single chip, called microprocessor. Moore’s Law predicted exponential growth in the number of transistors that could be assembled in a single microchip. In 1980s, the processing power of computers increased exponentially by integrating around 3 million components on a small-sized chip termed as Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI).

Further advancement in technology has made it feasible to fabricate high density of transistors and other components (approx 106 components) on a single IC called Super Large Scale Integration (SLSI) as.

IBM introduced its first personal computer (PC) for the home user in 1981 and Apple introduced Macintosh machines in 1984. The popularity of the PC surged by the introduction of Graphical User Interface (GUI) based operating systems by Microsoft and others in place of computers with only command line interface, like UNIX or DOS..

Around 1990s, the growth of World Wide Web (WWW) further accelerated mass usage of computers and thereafter computers have become an indispensable part of everyday life.Further, with the introduction of laptops, personal computing was made portable to a great extent. 

This was followed by smartphones, tablets and other personal digital assistants. These devices have leveraged the technological advancements in processor miniaturisation, faster memory, high speed data and connectivity mechanisms. The next wave of computing devices includes the wearable gadgets, such as smart watch, lenses, headbands, headphones, etc. Further, smart appliances are becoming a part of the Internet of Things (IoT), by leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Important information 

A punched card is a 

piece of stiff paper that 

stores digital data in 

the form of holes at 

predefined positions.

In 1965, Intel co-

founder Gordon Moore 

introduced Moore’s 

Law which predicted 

that the number of 

transistors on a chip 

would double every two 

years while the costs 

would be halved.

What Did We Go Today

Today we have understood very important information related to computer system. Friends, in today's time it is very important to know technology because the world is becoming so advanced that if we do not have even a little information about technology, then we will be left far behind the world and then we will never be able to compete with them in any field. I will not be able to compete, so friends, I am always related to technology, I write blogs and try to increase your knowledge.

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"I wish you a bright future"

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