What is Delta Plus Variant: Symptoms and Vaccine, Covid-19 America, India, Nepal, Britain, Switzerland

Delta Plus Variant: With the end of the second wave of corona virus in the world, now the Delta Plus variant of Kovid has knocked. It is spreading so quickly that the death toll of people is increasing. The rapidly expanding Delta variant has now been transformed into Delta Plus. A total of 21 cases have been reported in the Indian state of Maharashtra, including 2 from Mumbai. Out of these 21 cases, maximum 9 cases have been found in Ratnagiri. Apart from this, 15 to 20 cases have been found in other states from Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Punjab and Madhya Pradesh.

What is Corona Delta Plus variant

This new variant delta plus (AY.1) is the result of the mutation in delta (B.1.617.2) first detected in India. Delta variant i.e. B.1.617.2 which was first found in India, then gradually found in other countries also. Changes in its appearance have resulted in the Delta Plus variant. The first case was found in Europe.

Spike protein which is an important part of corona virus. With its help, the virus spreads infection by entering the human body. There have been many more revelations about this. Apart from this, the mutation named K41N which was found in the beta variant in South Africa also gives its symptoms. Therefore it is more dangerous.

The beta variant of the corona virus found in Africa and the gamma variant found in Brazil have been found. However, scientists are keeping a constant eye on genome sequencing and a Genome Sequencing Bulletin may soon be issued regarding the delta plus variant.

The delta variant (B.617.2) of corona virus is increasing concern not only in India but in all the countries of the world.

 Type of Virus

This disease, which started with the corona virus, has taken many new forms today. Delta plus, delta variant and beta variant are all variants of the virus. And don't know how many more forms are going to come out.

How serious do India and WHO consider it?

The Union Health Ministry, quoting the Indian SARS Cove-2 Genomics Consortium, has described Delta Plus as currently worrying. WHO has said that it will become a big problem in the future if some concrete steps are not taken by the government. In fact, a variant of the virus is said to be worrisome when it is more contagious and can cause serious illness. WHO is also keeping an eye on this.

About 200 cases have been found in India, America, Britain, Canada, Japan, Nepal, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Switzerland and Turkey. However, no case of death has been reported in the UK. The Delta Plus variant in India was first reported in the Public Health England bulletin on 11 June. At the same time, according to VK Paule, head of the Kovid Task Force, cases of the variant were reported in Europe in March.

Could this cause a third wave?

According to the researchers, this may be the third wave after the coronavirus and if it is not funny in time, the world may get in trouble, maybe in future people may have to face more devastation than before.

 The Maharashtra Health Department gave a presentation last week in which it was said that Delta Plus could be the cause of the third wave of corona in the state.

Delta Plus variant with super-spreader

Of all the variants that have come out so far, Delta is expanding the fastest. Although the alpha variant is also highly contagious, the delta is 60 percent more contagious. A Kappa variant similar to Delta has also been seen to dodge the vaccine, but still not very much, while the Delta variant is proving to be a super-spreader. Along with this, it has also been seen that those people who had taken the dose of Kovid vaccine have been affected the most by the Delta Plus variant.

Characteristics of Delta Plus Variant

After changing the form of corona virus, some changes in symptoms have also been observed. That is why it is important to know about them.

On the other hand, if we talk about its severe symptoms, then there may be chest pain, shortness of breath or shortness of breath and difficulty in talking.

According to the Union Health Ministry, Delta Plus is highly contagious and is able to bind firmly to the receptor of lung cells.

Common symptoms of the Delta Plus variant include dry cough, fever, and fatigue, and the elderly are involved.

 This is likely to damage the lungs quickly. It is also capable of defeating monoclonal antibody cocktails.

Need to be cautious:

The spread of the Delta Plus variant in India is limited, but we need to be cautious. The emergence of the Delta Plus variant of the corona virus has once again worried governments and experts from India to around the world.

This can be avoided to a great extent by following the Kovid protocol. The next 6-8 weeks are very crucial in view of other variants including Delta Plus. Covaccine and Covishield are effective against Delta variants.

 The delta plus variant comes from the mutation of delta. The delta is believed to be responsible for the devastation in the second wave in India. Cases of the Delta Plus variant have been found in 11 countries and are 35-60% more contagious than Alpha.

Does the vaccine not work on this?

Professor Shahid Jameel, India's top virologist and former member of the Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genome Sequencing Consortium, has said that the delta plus variant can dodge both vaccine and immunity. This is because the Delta Plus has all the features that the Delta variant had. It also has the characteristics of the beta variant as well. We know that the vaccine has less effect on the beta variant. The beta variant is faster than the alpha and delta variants in dodging the vaccine. However, the government has cited studies to show that Covishield and Covaccine are effective on the delta variant. While some experts have denied it.

Where are the patients of Delta Plus variant found?

About 200 cases have been found in India, America, Britain, Canada, Japan, Nepal, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Switzerland and Turkey. Like Delta, cases of infection from Delta Plus have also been first found in India. According to the Union Health Ministry, 22 cases of Delta Plus variant have been reported in India, of which 16 are in Jalgaon and Ratnagiri in Maharashtra. Rest of the cases are in Kerala and Madhya Pradesh. Infected patients have been found in Palakkad and Pathanamthitta in Kerala while Bhopal and Shivpuri districts of MP. Actually, the positivity rate has been very high in the areas where patients of Delta Plus variant have been found.

How dangerous is the previous variant?

Some virologists have feared that this variant is 35-60 percent more contagious than alpha. In this, there is a need to protect old and young children, it can be found infectious in animals as well, its only defense is that you follow the guidelines of Karona virus.

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