Google Adsense Tips Make Money Best ideas for earning Money


How to create adsense account

If you follow these steps then your adsense account will be created without any hindrance.

Follow This Steps:-

2. Click Start.

3. Enter the URL of the site on which you want the ad to appear. Learn more about how you have to enter your URL kese.

( YouTube, Blogger or other host partner
If you are a YouTube publisher, sign in to your YouTube account and visit .
If your site is on one of our host partner sites (eg, Blogger), click Continue… after entering your URL. We'll be able to get you set up this way faster because the host partner sites follow a different account creation process. )

4.Enter your email address.

5.Choose whether you want AdSense to send you customized support and performance suggestions.

We recommend that you select Yes so that we can help you get the most out of AdSense. You can change your contact settings later.

6. Click on Save and continue.

7.Sign in to your Google Account.

8.Select your country or region.

9. Review and accept the AdSense Terms and Conditions.

10. Click on Create Account. You are now signed in to your new AdSense account.

If you create an adsense account in the same way without missing any step, then your account will be created without delay.

How much does AdSense pay per 1000 views?

As a general rule of monetization in blogging: - If you want to earn side income then google adsense works for you. However, if you want to make a living and earn lakhs, then you have to upload informational items on your website/blog.

The simple answer to how CPC (Cost Per Click) or RPM (Revenue Per 1000 Impressions) works and how to calculate them is that it depends on what type of your article is and in which country it is getting more views. I will see the happy article and click on it, you are given money according to the click rate there.

I often see that bloggers say that income is not good on the block but it is not so, I also have only clock and I earn very good income from it, it depends how is your article, how big is its length. How much is coming in people's search depends on these small things whether your article will rank or not and accordingly you get your payment according to.

How can I make money with Google AdSense?

👉 Create high quality content.

High quality content Meaning, the article you have written must be understandable to the people. Write articles that fulfill the needs of people, remove their problems, if you write articles that help people, then which article will rank very high, which will bring good traffic to your website.

👉 Find the right keywords for your site.

The biggest problem for any blogger is how to find the right keyboard for his side because the article will reach your people only if its keywords are good. Therefore, before writing the article, keep thinking about its keyboard and search it as much as possible so that you can reach your point to the people.

👉Find out how far people scroll through your website.

When you have written a good article, people who are willing to read it more, it comes to their mind that it should be read more, it should be understood deeply that after all what is this topic and it depends on your particle and which you write your article. If you write, then put some more links related to that article inside it so that the one who is reading your article by coming up on your website and reading the related material.

👉Follow ad placement best practices.

If you want that I can earn a good income from the block, then you have to write articles on such topics, which are currently being desired by most of the people, here too the keywords are being talked about.

What happens, the topic from which Sandeep writes an article and puts it on your side, from the same topic, Sandeep starts showing advertisements on your side. Now you get payment according to how much demand of some topics is going on in the market.

You have to always keep in mind that you do not steal someone else's article on your website and when you write the article yourself, write it in very simple words and in detail, so that in future never violates your advertising rules. There will be no complaints and your website will always be running well.

What is Google AdSense for beginners?

Google Adsense is a big opportunity for beginners, but it is said that to build a house, its foundation is built first.

Beginners When you are blogging, then you have to work hard for some time and when Google Adsense feels that this blogger is blogging very well, then Google Adsense extends a helping hand to you. He helps you to share knowledge among people like this, bring awareness among people, we will give you money help.

Google Adsense gives you a chance to earn a lot of money. You have to write articles only according to the policy of Google Adsense. Adsense does not want you to keep repeating the old knowledge, it expects you to get new information, which becomes your responsibility to give only new and correct knowledge.

Google AdSense publisher

Ads are shown on top of your website or block by Google Adsense Publisher. When your website starts to rank well and people come and see your side in many areas above it, reading the content lying on it, then your website starts coming in the category of websites which are allowed to show Google ads. 

Google Ad Publishers always keep an eye on your website, how the content is being put on your website, when they feel that this content is not beneficial for the people, then Google Ad Publisher warns you that it should also be done. It should be removed, but if only good content is coming on your side, then Google Adsense gives you permission.

After getting its permission, one of your ads starts showing and your earnings start coming. The fund of google adsense publisher is clear that your article should be compatible with Google policy, only then you get its permission, otherwise you will never get its permission.

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