Indian Constitution all article / UPSC/RRB/SSC/IBPS

 Hello friends !

I hope you all are happy. Today I am going to tell you about how many articles are inside the Constitution of India and what description is available in all those paragraphs.

The Constitution of India is one of the largest constitutions in the world. Today 26 November is celebrated as Constitution Day because it was approved by the Constituent Assembly on 26 November 1949. It was signed on 26 January 1950 and it was implemented on 24 January. A drafting committee was set up to form the constitution, headed by Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar.

It took 2 years 11 months 18 days to write the constitution. The Indian Constitution consists of 448 Articles and 12 Schedules. So let's understand what is interesting in all these paragraphs.


                                 Article of the constitution

 # Article 1 *: - Union name and territory

# Article 2: - * Entry or establishment of new states

# Article 3 *: - Creation of state and change of boundaries or names

# Article 4: - * Amendments of First Scheduled and Fourth Schedules and methods made under two and three

# Unquote 5: * - Citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution

# Article 6: * - Citizenship to persons coming to India

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# Article 7 *: Citizenship to those visiting Pakistan

# Article 8: - * Citizenship of persons residing outside India

# Article 9 *: - No citizenship if you take citizenship of foreign state

# Article 10: - * Maintenance of citizenship rights

# Article 11 *: - Regulation of law for citizenship by Parliament

# Article 12: * - Definition of the state

# Article 13: - * Laws inconsistent with or in derogation of Fundamental Rights.

# Article 14: - * Equality before law

# Article 15: - * Religion of discrimination on religion, caste, gender

# Article 16: - * Equality of opportunity in public planning

# Article 17: - * End of untouchability

# Article 18 *: - End of titles

# Article 19: - * Freedom of speech

# Article 20: * - Protection regarding conviction of crimes

# Article 21: - * Prana and somatic freedom

# Article 21A *: - Right to education to children of 6 to 14 years

# Article 22: - * Protection in some cases from arrest.

# Article 23: - * Human trafficking and child ashram

# Article 24: * - Child employment percentage in factories

# Article 25: - * Freedom of conduct and propagation of religion

# Article 26: - * Freedom to manage religious affairs

# Article 29: * - Protection of interests of minority classes

# Article 30: - * Right of minority sections to establish and administer educational institutions

# Article 32: - * Remedies for enforcement of rights

# Article 36: - * Definition

# Article 40: - * Organization of Gram Panchayats

# Article 48: - * Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Organization

# Article 48A: * - Protection of environment, forests and wildlife

# Article 49: - * Protection of national monument places and objects

# Article. 50: - * Judgment of Executive to Judiciary

# Article 51 *: - International Peace and Security

# Article 51A *: - Basic Duties

# Article 52: * - President of India

# Article 53: * - Executive power of the Union

# Article 54: - * Presidential election

# Article 55: - * The manner of election of the President

# Article 56: * - President's term

# Article 57: * - Eligibility for re-election

# Article 58: - * Draws to be elected President

# Article 59: - * Presidential terms

# Article 60: - * President's oath

# Article 61 *: - Procedure for impeachment of President

# Article 62: - * The timing and manner of election to fill the person for the post of President

# Article 63 *: - Vice President of India

# Article 64 *: - The Vice-President is the ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha.

# Article 65 *: - Work of the Vice President on the vacancy of the post of President

# Article 66 *: - Election of Vice-President

# Article 67: - * Vice President's term

# Article 68: - * Election to fill the vacant post of Vice President

# Article 69 *: - Oath by Vice President

# Article 70: * - Discharge of the duties of the President in other contingencies

# Article 71. : - * Subjects related to election of President and Vice President.

# Article 72 *: - Power of Giving

# Article 73: - * Expansion of executive power of the Union

# Article 74: - * Council of Ministers to advise the President

# Article 75: - * Provisions regarding ministers

# Article 76: - * Attorney General of India

# Article 77: * - Conduct of business of Government of India

# Article 78: - * Prime Minister's duty to convey information to the President

# Article 79: * - Constitution of Parliament

# Article 80: - * Structure of Rajya Sabha

# Article 81: - * Structure of Lok Sabha

# Article 83: - * Term of the Houses of Parliament

# Article 84: * - Qualification for Members of Parliament

# Article 85: - * Session and dissolution of Parliament

# Article 87: - * President's special speech now

# Article 88: - * Ministers and Attorney-General Rights regarding Houses

# Article 89: - * Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha.

# Article 90: - * Vacancy or removal of the post of Deputy Chairman

# Article 91: - * Power and duties of the Chairman

# Article 92 *: - If the resolution to remove the Chairman or Deputy Chairman is under consideration then his presidency

# Article 93: - * Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha

# Inappropriate 94: - * The post of Chairman and Vice President are vacant.

# Article 95: * - Duties and powers in the Speaker

# Article 96 *: - If the president decides to remove the vice-president from his post, then he should not preside# Article 188 *: - Oath or affirmation by members

# Article 189 *: - Power and quorum to act in means of voting vacancies in Houses

# Article 199: - * Definition of wealth abroad

# Article 200: - * Permission on MLAs

# Article 202: - * Annual Financial Statement

# Article 213: - * Power of the Governor to verify Ordinances in the Legislature

# Article 214 *: - High Court for States

# Article 215: * - Record of High Courts to be Court

# Article 216: * - Constitution of High Court

# Article 217: * - Appointment Conditions of High Court Judge Terms

# Article 221 *: - Salary of judges

# Article 222 *: - Transfer of judges from one court to another.

# Article 223: - * Appointment of Executive Chief Justice Murthy

# Article 224: - * Appointment of other judges

# Article 226: - * Power of High Court to remove certain writ

# Article 231: * - Establishment of a single High Court for two or more states

# Article 233: - * Appointment of District Judges

# Article 241: * - High Court for the Union Territory

# Article 243 *: - Panchayat municipalities and cooperative societies

# Article 244: - * Administration of Scheduled Areas and Tribal Areas

# Article 248: - * Residual Legislative Powers

# Article 252: * - Power of Parliament to make laws for two or more states by consent

# Article 254 *: - Inconsistency between laws made by Parliament and laws made by the Legislature of States

# Article 256 *: - Obligation of States and Union

# Article 257: - * Control of the Union over the states in certain cases

# Article 262: - * Judgment of water disputes related to interstate rivers or river valleys.

# Article 263 *: - Constitution of Inter-State Development Council

# Article 266 *: - Accumulated funds

# Article 267 *: - Contingency Fund

# Article 269 *: - Taxes levied and collected by the Union but handed over to the States

# Article 270 * - Taxes collected by the Union and distributed among the Union and the States

# Article 280 *: - Finance Commission

# Article 281 *. : - Recommendations of the Finance Commission

# Article 292 *: - Borrowing by Government of India

# Article 293 *: - State borrowing

# Article 300A: - * Right to property

# Article 301: - * Freedom of trade commerce and intercourse

# Article 309: - * Recruitment and conditions of service of persons serving the state

# Article 310: - * The term of office of the persons serving the Union or the State

# Article 313: - * Transition provisions

# Article 315 *: - Public Service Commission for the Union State

  # Article 316: - * Appointment and term of members

# Article 317: - * Removal or suspension of any member of the Public Service Commission

# Article 320: - * Functions of Public Service Commission

# Article 323A *: - Administrative Tribunal

# Article 323B *: - Tribunal for other subjects

# Article 324: - * Direction and control of elections to be vested in Election Commission

# Article 329: - * Description of court intervention in electoral matters

# Article 330: * Closure of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the Lok Sabha.

# Article 331: * - Representation of the Anglo-Indian community in the Lok Sabha

# Article 332: - * Reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the State Legislative Assembly

# Article 333: - * Representation of the Anglo-Indian community in the state assembly

# Article 343: - * Definition of the Union

# Article 344: - * Commission and Committee of Parliament on official language

# Article 350A: - * Facilities for education in mother tongue at primary level

# Article 351 *: - Instructions for development of Hindi language

# Article 352: - * Effect of Proclamation of Emergency

# Article 356: * - Provisions in case of failure of constitutional machinery in the state

# Article 360: * - Provision regarding financial emergency

# Article 368: - * Power of Parliament to amend the Constitution and its procedure

# Article 377: * - Provisions regarding Comptroller and Auditor General of India

# Article 378 *: - About Public Service Commission

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    Some questions related to Indian Constitution for you    

Question 1- When did the first meeting of the Indian Constituent Assembly take place.

Answer: 9 December 1946.

Question 2- Who was the permanent Chairman of the Constituent Assembly.

Answer - Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

Question 3- Who was the temporary president of the Constituent Assembly.

Answer - Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha.

Question 4- Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly.

Answer - Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar.

Question 5- Who formally rendered the Constituent Assembly.

Answer: M.N. opinion .

Question 6- What was the basis of constitution assembly in India.

Answer - Cabinet Mission Plan (1946).

Question 7- Which person first demanded the constitution of the constitution in 1895.

Answer - Bal Gangadhar Tilak.

Q8- How many representatives of the native princely states were there in the Constituent Assembly.

Answer - 70.

Q9- Which native princely representative did not participate in the Constituent Assembly.

Answer - Hyderabad.

Question 10- B. R. Where was Ambedkar elected in the Constituent Assembly.

Answer - From Bengal.

Question 11- Who was appointed constitutional advisor of Constituent Assembly.

Answer - B.C. N. Rao.

Question 12- When was the drafting committee of the Constituent Assembly formed.

Answer - 29 August 1947.

Question 13- Who proposed the proposal before the drafting committee of the Constitution.

Answer - Jawaharlal Nehru.

Question 14- Who first presented the idea of ​​constitution for the creation of ConstituentAssembly.

Answer - Swaraj Party in 1924.

Question 15- When did the Constitution of India be accepted in the Constituent Assembly.

Answer - 26 November 1946.

Question 16- How long did it take to make the Constitution.

Answer - 2 years 11 months 18 days.

Question 17- How many articles are in the constitution.

Answer - 444.

Question 18- How many chapters are there in the constitution.

Answer - 22.

Question 19- How many schedules are there in Indian assembly.

Answer - 12.

Question 20- On what basis was the election of Constituent Assembly.

Answer: On class franchise.

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