ITBP Constable Group ‘C’ RECRUITMENT OF SPORTSPERSONS 65 vacancies Apply online , Notification

Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens (MALE & FEMALE) for filling 

up the 65 vacancies for the Non-Gazetted & Non-Ministerial posts of Constable (General 

Duty) in Group ‘C’ on temporary basis likely to be made permanent in Indo-Tibetan Border 

Police Force against Sports Quota as per table at Para 2(a). The posts have All India liability 

and selected candidates can be posted anywhere in India and even abroad. 

Important Dates:-

Start Date:-  05/07/2021 AT 00:01 AM 

 CLOSED Data:-

02/09/2021 AT 11:59 PM.

Total Vacancies:- 

a) There are 65 vacancies in the following 12 Sports/Games discipline


 a) Revised pay scale as per 7th CPC pay matrix :




MATRIX (as per 7th CPC) 


Pay Level-3 Rs. 21,700-69,100/-


Male candidates 

belonging to Un-reserved (UR), Other Backward Classes (OBC) and 

Economically Weaker Section (EWS) category applying for recruitment to the 

post of Constable(GD) under Sports Quota should pay Rs. 100/- (Rupees one 

hundred only) as application fee through the ITBP Recruitment website Application received with any other mode 

of fee payment will be summarily rejected. Fees are exempted for females 

and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe 


 Age and Relaxations:- 

Age-18 to 23 years. Cutoff date for determining age will be 

02/09/2021 i.e. last date of submission of online applications. 

(i) The upper age limit is relaxable for SC/ST by five (5) years and for 

OBC Non-Creamy Layer (NCL) by three (3) years. 

(ii) Upper age limit is relaxable up to 5 years for Departmental candidates with 

three years continuous service and in addition 5 years age relaxation for 

Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe and 3 years for Other Backward Classes 

(NCL) who compete alongwith candidates from open recruitment.

Sports Qualification:- 

(i) Only those players who have participated or won medal (s) in the levels of 

competition mentioned in table below during the period from 01/01/2019 till 

02/09/2021 are eligible to apply. 

(ii) Candidate will be given marks for any one highest medal secured by him/her 

during last 02 years. If any candidate has secured more than 01 medal in 

particular competition, in that case he/she shall be awarded marks for only the 

highest medal/Position secured in the competition and marks given to him for 

separate competitions shall not be included in overall sports achievements.

How to Apply :- 

(a) Online application mode will be opened w.e.f. 05/07/2021 at 00:01 am and 

will be closed on 02/09/2021 at 11:59 pm on ITBP recruitment website 

(b) Eligible and interested candidates should apply only through ITBP 

Recruitment website . Candidates are advised 

to fill the application form after reading the instructions carefully. The 

application must be submitted ONLINE only. No application will be accepted 

offline. Candidature of the candidate who submitted application offline will be 

rejected summarily. 

(c) The candidate has to upload copy of certificate or document for sport 

discipline mentioned at Para 2 (a) above on ITBP recruitment website in 

support of his/her highest medal/position or highest level of participation 

in the sports achievement mentioned at Para 4 (b) on ITBP recruitment 

website in their Profile created on the 

before applying for the post, else his/her online application will be rejected 

during scrutiny.

Click Apply :- office Website

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