How to understand SEO Blogging

 Friends, if we are thinking of making a career in the field of blogging, then we should know very well what blogging is because unless we understand this concept, we cannot be successful in blogging, even if we are blogging our whole life. Why don't you keep doing it, it is very important that you understand what blogging is because blogging is not just that you have written an article and uploaded it on the net, it is not blocking at all, it is blogging, pay attention to those small points. Working on those small skills from which success is achieved in blogging If I say that blogging is not for everyone then it is not wrong at all but it is also not right to say that blogging is for everyone.

How to understand SEO Blogging

 It is not a matter of fact because only one who has understanding can do blogging, other wise no one can block, so if you are looking for your career in this, then you have to know that what is blogging, that's why I have put some points here for you. have gathered which according to my experience can help you a lot, so let's go Know how to understand blogging.

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Unique Article

Friends, the whole blogging depends on your article, how is your article, it will decide how successful you will be in blogging in the future, until you learn to write a unique article, blogging is not your thing. I'm sorry maybe this sounded bad but you have to learn the skills of writing articles if you want people to understand them, you want to be successful in this and the article is not such that you should not write on any topic when you sit to write the article. 

If so, do research about it first whether people want to know that topic, want to understand it and if they want to understand then what are the points, what are the things that they want to understand, after that you will see many keywords for that topic. related to. You will come across the type of keyboard at that time, do not decide at all the keywords that are most visible for your article because they are visible only because work has already been done on them, you have covered their birds. 

Have to pay attention to whom people are looking for but very few people have told about it, if I say clearly that you have to work on their year, which is very less in search but people know a lot about it. You want this to benefit you that when you write an article, you will not have any competition, your blog will color your side automatically, its authority will increase and this will increase the value of you and your block.

Current Trand

If you are having trouble to decide any topic then the easiest way for you is current news. Meaning what is going on in the world at present, you can use any of those topics, but the trending thing that happens is it is for a short time, it does not last long enough but when you are new in the field of blogging- If you are new then it will help you a lot to write article on any topic, sometimes this thing is very beneficial because when we work on any current topic, it immediately goes viral inside the world but it is your good Luck would happen if this happens otherwise, there are very few chances that it happens because many people have achieved similar success,

 some new bloggers came, they worked on the current topic and why their website is so small. Gone that after that he never saw the downfall, so I would advise you too that you can also try but it is your risk and if you believe that we can then you must try it, it is your benefit. Will happen.

People Demand

It is said that when people's problems are worked out, their problems are solved, then success goes by itself because we make a new way to make people's work easier, here if you want to understand blogging So the most important thing for you would be that you understand the demand of the people, but the question will also come in your mind that every person has different demand, how can we fulfill it, here let me tell you that you are wrong. 

To understand this thing, how to make some categories of it, I will tell you like suppose you have to write an article, there is a category above the current affair, now all the people of this category are o can be 50, thousands, lakhs If I am looking for current affair, then don't think that if I write an article only on current affair, then only 50 people will read it, read it, it may not be read by only few people but after few days such time It will come that millions of people will come and invest their time on it, when you sit for blogging, then you will decide some categories.

 I have to do on which category I will blogging, I give you ideas, you can use categories Current News Current Affairs Technology Science, this is just given you some examples to understand and in which category you are the most expert. Work above, this is the main thing to understand blogging and when you understand it, then you have understood only 70% of the people.


If you write any article without disassembling keywords and without doing keyword research, then without keywords, that article has no value because you will not know the demand of people, then how will you be able to fulfill their demand. Even the visitor comes on your side sees your article, then don't think that he is just a visitor and has come only to read the article, 

he is your customer and the more good you show him, the more times he will come to you. Will come again and why not he will come because he knows that my demand can be fulfilled there, I can get the stuff I want on the same side so he will definitely come back so keyboard score to increase the gallery of your articles Do search and definitely work on them.


SEO is the most important thing in the field of blogging. Listen carefully to what happens when you go to a toll like Google has become known, you search anything, "How to Blogging" / "How to Learn Blogging" When you search it, many results come out in front of you. We call the result SEO. And if you also want that the articles written by me also come in the search of people in the same way, then you have to write SEO friendly article and how to write SEO article, then I wrote an article "How to Write Good Article", you must read it. Will teach you how we should write any article.

So friends, I hope that you have understood how to understand blogging, friends, the experience I had, I have given a complete squeeze to it in this article, now I do not know how you felt, but if you understand this and If you work hard on your own, then you will be able to understand what blogging is and how to achieve success in it, some more I have written sandeep from the article block, a separate link has been put in the side, you can read the articles there if If you liked this article, then share it as much as you can and if you have found any deficiency where you have any question, then you can comment me, I will definitely reply to it.

"I wish you a bright future"

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