Computer Full Form / Type Of Computers / Parts Of Computer / History Of Computer / Computer System


Hello friends! I hope all of you will be fine. Violence is one of the life of a consumer in today's world. In today's race life, computers have made human life very easy. Today, 96% of people use technology. I have mentioned this post about very special things related to computer, and I am confident that this post was enhanced by your knowledge. In this post, I have mentioned things related to computer like: - What Is A Computer,Computer Full Form, Type Of Computers, Parts Of Computer, History Of Computer, Computer System, GIGO, Network Byte ( KB,MB GB TB ) Therefore, you can gain knowledge related to computer.

Computer Full Form

Type of Computer

Computer By Purpose

Based on Size and Capacity

Micro Computer

Mini Computer

Main Frame Computer

Super Computer

What is a Computer ?

Parts of Computer

History of Computer

Computer System

computer program

Computer  important point


Computer Full Form

C - Normally

O - Operating

M - Machine

P - Particularly

U - Used to

T - Technical

E - Education

R - Research

Type of Computer

Computers do many types of tasks, so they have many types, in general they are divided into three types. Depending on the purpose, on the basis of application and on the basis of capacity.

By Application

 Depending on the application, there are three types of computers. 

*    Digital computer

*    Analog computer

*    Aybrid computer


This computer performs the task of measuring physical quantities such as temperature, earthquake, length, width, etc. and gives their result in figures. They are used in the field of science and engineering because the measurement work is done in this area.


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A digit means a digit, that is, a digital computer is what it calculates. Digital computers have only two digits "0 and 1". Which is called binary number system. On the basis of these digits, the computer works, these two digits are called fit.

Digital computers are used in education banking business executives.


These computers are called hybrid computers because they consist of analog for digital computers. This computer is used in the medical field. It is used to check the heartbeat, blood pressure etc. of the patient.

Computer By Purpose

There are two types of things described in this type of computer. General purpose computer, special purpose computer

Common tasks are done from the general purpose computer. They are used in homes and shops such as: - preparing letters, preparing documents, printing documents, etc.

special propose computer These are prepared for special work such as: - to explore science, space, meteorology, war etc.

Based on Size and Capacity

There are four types of computers based on size and capacity.

> Micro computer

> mini computer

> main frame computer

> super computer.

Micro Computer

This computer is called a microcomputer for two reasons. First this computer uses micro processor and second this computer is smaller in size than other computer, it can be put in study table and briefacse.

The speed of their work is almost like a big computer but their size is less compared to them. Normally only one person can work on this computer.

Micro computer is called PCB. PC is divided into about 5 parts.

> Desktop computer

> laptop computer

> Palmtop computer

> Notebook computer

> Tablet computer

Mini Computer

Mini computers are mid-sized multiprocessing and multi-user computers. These computers are somewhat higher in speed and memory than microcomputers. They may have more than one CPU. These are more expensive than microcomputers.

These are the computers which are used for the work of Sarwar computers in big companies and government offices. PDP 8 is the first mini computer, developed in 1965. It was built by the DEC company. The full name of DEC is digital equipment corporation.

Main Frame Computer

These are computers with higher speed and capacity than mini computers. These computers are very large in size. They have the ability to rapidly process large amounts of data. These computers are used for the work of server computers in big companies and government offices. Micro Computer Rasa is used as a client in these computers. A man frame computer can connect more than one thousand remote work stations with its speed measured in MIPS. Following are examples of this computer.

IBM 4381, ICL 39, CDC Cyber ​​etc.

Super Computer

Super computers are special types of computers. They are made for special work. It is the fastest and largest computer in the world. A super computer has more than one CPU that performs parallel tasks. Their speed is measured in  Flops (Floating points instructions per second). State-of-the-art supercomputers can have a teraflops.

These computers are the most expensive computers. Super computers have the following functions like war for meteorological information for space travel.

# India's first super computer is the PARAM.

What is a Computer ?

The word computer is derived from a Greek word compute. Which means to calculate so computer is a machine which is a used for calculation. Computer is also called as data processing machine. Data processing means taking input and working on it.

Computer is an electronic device it accepts data as input from the user process the data then produce the output the word computers comes from the word computer which means to calculate hence a computer is normally considered to be a calculating machine.

A computer is an electronic machine that accepts data from the user, and processes the data and gives a Desire output after processing. The data that a computer processes does from an input device. What is an input device Keyboard Touch Screen Mouse Scanner Microphone. And what are output devices are speaker monitor printer plotter.

Parts of Computer

* Monitor                 * CPU 

* keyboard              * mouse 

* speakers               * UPS

* printer                  * headphones

* scanner                * pen drive 

* web camera

History of Computer

Computer was invented in the 19th century by the mathematics professor Charles Babbage, who introduced the term computer to everyone. The word computer has its origin in the Greek language compute.

Computer Development Sequence

Abacus 5000 years ago

Now a term was invented by Li-Kai-Chan. The word apex comes from the Greek word meaning calculating border. The world's first now X was made 5000 years ago in China, even today it is used to attend math problems to school. China, Japan and Russia use it the most.

Napier Bons 1800 BC

The Napier Bonus is invented by John Napier. The Napier Bonus is a fast receptive device. John Napier was a Socratic mathematician. He made many important discoveries related to numbers. Napier was very famous for his discovery of logarithms. Logarithms made complex calculations easier Logarithms were used to solve many gun other problems.


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Multiplying Machine

The multiplying machine was made by Gottried Leibniz.

Gott Reed Leibniz of Germany further improved Pascal's machine to do multiplication. Gott Reid also developed calculus calculations by working with Sir Eyes Can You Turn. With the help of calculators developed by it, the addition subtraction can be multiplied and divided.

Pascal (calculating machine) in 1642

Blaise Pascal The French mathematician Blaise Pascal invented the first mechanical calculating machine called Pascaline in 1642, it could only do addition subtraction. It was also called an ending machine.

Census Tebulator 1890

In 1890, American scientist Herman Holle Rith invented this device which was powered by electricity. Which device was used in the US census. Harman Ho Lalit is also credited with the invention of the punch card.

Mark-1 ( 1937-44 )

Between 1937 and 1947, the world's first fully automated electro-mechanical counting machine was invented under the cooperation of IBM ( International Business Machines ) Company and under the direction of scientist Harvard I Can.

ABC - 1939

In the year 1939, scientists like Jan EtnaSafe and Clifford Vary invented the world's first electronic digital computer.

ENIAC - 1946

In the year 1946, American scientists JP Actor and John Fish invented the first complete electronic computer for common tasks, named ANIAC.


To tackle this, it was difficult to convert any program into aneq 1 computer. Ban Newman conceptualized the stored program and invented eWAC.

UNIVAC - 1954

Universal automatic computer was the first computer used to solve business and other problems. The first merchant computer Univac 1 was built in 1956 by the Journal Electric Corporation.

Micro processor- 1970

The creation of the first micro processor Intel 4004 by the Intel company in 1970 revolutionized the computer sector. This made it possible to build small-sized computers called micro computers.

Apple-2 (1977 )

In 1977, the first commercial microcomputer (First Business Microcomputer) was built which was named Apple 2.

Personal Computer (PC) 1981

In 1981, IBM company created the first PC desktop computer. This computer is used in home and office. It is a type of microcomputer.

Computer System

Computer systems consist of all the objects of a computer. Keyboard, mouse and system unit. They are important parts of the computer. There is a micro processor inside it, which we also call the motherboard. It occurs in the system unit. There are many components in this mother board such as; - Control unit, economical logical unit, register, catch memory, all these microprocessors are on the chip.

One thing is very important to understand and that the computer does not understand the human language, it only understands the binary language 0 and 1 ( Programming language ) and stores the data in the binary language only. The binary language is the mother tongue of the computer.

computer program

 There are set of instructions which are stored in the memory of the computer.

  > Input Device: This device receives data from the user and converts it into     a computer redizable forum meaning binary forum.

  > Data units remain in memory unit memory. Memory is of two types                 primary memory secondary memory.

  > CPU can directly access CPU primary memory

  > Primary memory Ram - ROM

    Ram (random access memory)

    ROM (read only memory)


The CPU itself is called a micro processor. It is the brain of a computer. Its job is to search the data and transform it into information. A lot of components are installed on the chip of the CPU like: -





ALU (CPU of ALU two operations perform)

1. Arithmetic operation: - addition, multiplication division subtraction.

2. Logic operation: - AND, OR, NOR.


It is the smallest and fastest memory of a computer.

The data instruction tractors in the register are address stores.

Catch memory

JB computers have fast memory but not faster than register memory.

Control unit

It is also an important part of the CPU that maintains coordination between all parts of the computer such as input device output device and process.

Very important point

We check the memory of any mobile laptop or computer but will understand how many bytes are there and how MB is GB.

  > 8 bit - 1 byte

  > 1024 bit - 1 kilobyte (1 KB)

  > 1024 KB - 1 Megabytes (1 MB)

  > 1024 MB - 1 GIga byte (1 GB)

  > 1024 GB - 1 Terabyte (1 TB)

* Terabyte is a big storage unit.

GIGO (Garbage in Garbage out)

Friends, I wrote everything that is related to the computer and is necessary for you. All these related to computer will increase your knowledge. I hope you liked this post. If you have missed something, you can ask for it by commenting in the comment. I hope you share this post as much as possible.

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